Final Piece Ideas & Practice.

So Now I have to draft a few ideas to carry through to do for my final piece.

Straight away, I wanted to make a film that would be an interview with a poor woman and hold a huge recreation of a protest. The protest film would take place in a real street and I planned on making it look as real as possible.

I created green screen templates for a practice of the final product but one big problem became obvious to me. I can't do this idea because the implications of organising a rally/protest will be a larger scale than the project itself! The police might get involved and the public will not understand what is going on. Without causing any trouble or confusion, I could not do this idea. I also didn't feel that everybody in the film will take it as serius as I would want them to so they might not stay in character. if the actors are confused, then the audience will not respond positively and understand the message portrayed.

My second idea was to bring together work on humanity and aliens and create a massive alien portrait and a movie created by Adobe After effects showcase my film skills. This idea would be really fun and would bring in a lot of colour that was portrayed at the humble beginnings of the project.

The problem with this idea is that I do not know what idea I will be exciting and I do not want to spend too much time creating an idea that is not fully developed and lead up to. As fun and innovative as this could have been, I have to drop it. After saying this, I was able to create a small preview of what I could make. This pulls together old work I am re-using from the Schoeller response and influences by Brambilla.

Now I have something to work with, I know what it can look like. The audience will, hopefully, find this innovative and captivating and hopefully open their minds up and think about the state of many things in represented in the project.

I will hopefully be able to bring the world journalism, Brambilla's influence and my alien project, all together to create a final piece with a strong message.